How To Stay Safe And Avoid Getting Sick This Halloween
We’re not out of the woods yet with the coronavirus, and that means taking extra safety precautions when it comes to holiday gatherings. We’re just a couple of weeks away from Halloween which means that Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here before you know it! We’ve collected some recommendations from the CDC so that you […]
Supporting Healthcare Professionals During COVID-19
6 Ways to support our healthcare professionals More then ever we need to stand behind our healthcare professionals as they sacrifice so much for our country! Learn about 6 ways we can help them during Covid-19! 1. Share a social-media shout out to nurses. Knowing you appreciate their dedication and care enough to thank them will give you the strength to face another change in your life to an exhausted nurse. 2. Donate what supplies are available. Such as gloves, surgical masks, or hand sanitizer — […]